Skills Academies

Deep-skilling at scale

Learn In Academies, now part of the Degreed family, build internal talent through custom programs and collaborative learning, designed to scale from from one individual up to entire teams. Elevate your employees’ performance while filling critical skills gaps.

What’s in a Skills Academy?

Custom Program Builder

Tailor skill building programs for your workforce whether that’s for employee onboarding, leadership development, digital transformation, or functional upskilling. Integrate hands-on projects, cohort sequencing, modality blending, and expert participation that do more than just impart knowledge — they instill how to apply it.

Design custom programs based on learning science

Collaboration, Community, and Cohorts

At Learn in, we believe that learning is best done together. That’s why our platform is designed to foster collaboration among teammates, enabling them to share knowledge and support each other in their skill-building journey. We offer cohort-based programs that encourage your people to work together on projects, with peer visibility into each other’s progress. And to make communication even easier, we integrate with popular tools like Slack and MSTeams.

Projects, Practice, and Peer Feedback

Learn In Academies allows a hands-on approach to learning that helps employees develop real skills they can use on the job. Our platform provides opportunities for both individuals and teams to take on project-based challenges, with coaching and assessments to guide their progress. We also encourage peer feedback and reflection, so employees can learn from each other and get expert insights.

Powerful Manager Tools

Our platform put you in control of organizing and streamlining your upskilling efforts. Align pathways to specific roles, track individual progress, and monitor team development. Keep your people engaged and motivated with customizable content, scheduled learning events, and email nudges.

Under the Hood

Have a look at our implementation walkthrough videos illustrating just how easy our Skill Academy platform can be:

Create Comprehensive Skill-Building Programs

Build Tracks Aligned To Career Paths

Start building your Skill Academy Today

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